Female entrepreneur thinking

Business Blues: 3 Ways Entrepreneurship Is Lonely (and How to Deal with It)

Loneliness is probably the last thing you have in mind when running a business. You prepare yourself for embracing risks, exploring ideas, and engaging with people, but never on dealing with loneliness. Besides, if you’re earning money and being your own boss, there’s probably no reason to feel down at all, right? The truth is, while entrepreneurship is indeed rewarding, it also has its lows. Here are the ways the journey can get lonely and the strategies you can take to get past them:

You’re the boss

This one fulfilling aspect about entrepreneurship is also the one that’s most frustrating. Before, as an employee, you’re the one taking orders. Now, you get to have the say on things — but at the same time, that privilege comes with the responsibility of making sure that how you run things would contribute to the greater good of your organization. Not to mention that you’re at the front line of seeing every hit and miss and every slog and slump in your company’s performance.

You constantly have this huge weight on your shoulders, bearing that pressure to excel. It’s easy to feel alone at that. What you need to do is to share that load. You have to build a team of great talents who catches your vision, who has the best interests of your organization in mind, and who you can trust for the most difficult business decisions. Your priority, from the start of your venture, is a good recruitment process and high-quality training programs.

You have to find your own way

Yes, there are similar types of businesses in your industry as yours, but your venture is unique, so it demands a unique way of doing things as well. In fact, even if — let’s say you bought a clothing franchise that already has a blueprint you can follow — your business caters to a distinct community in your locale, its unique economic conditions and cultural beliefs could affect how you would go about your marketing strategies and customer service operations.

Due to the unique nature of your work, you would feel that no one understands you to the core. That could be frustrating, especially in the midst of tough business dilemmas and when you’re a newbie in the industry. In this regard, what you need is a good mentor. One who has a vast set of experiences in the field you’re in, so they could at least relate to your unique journey. Join local business communities and get to know the thought leaders.

You won’t have time for family and friends

Entrepreneur working

Running a business consumes a lot of time and energy. In fact, just the paperwork and meetings at the beginning of your venture are enough to keep you away from family and friends. As you get immersed with your business, with all the stress and pressure, you would all the more become lonely.

If you don’t get a nice break with family and friends, your mental and emotional health might just be at risk. As much as you want to isolate yourself and focus on succeeding, fight the urge and take a break. Have too many tasks you cannot leave? Learn to delegate and know when and how to let go of things. Trust your team that they will deliver.

It’s the reality of entrepreneurship: It can get lonely. Before you even start your business, prepare for this emotional roadblock. That’s the only way you can get through this journey with your sanity intact.

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